
Standup for Absolute Truth regardless the cost. As instructed in Scriptures. Not 1) Making seemingly small concessions [downward spirial of Spiriual Cowardice] to satisfy unbelivers. 2) Cowards speaking and acting with fake courage.

Bible Scripture:  John 19:1-15;  Support Verses: Gen 14:14-16; Exodus 14:27-31; Josh 1:6-9; Judges 4:21; Num 13:30-33; 1 Sam 28:7-10; Gen 13:8-10; 14:1-2, 11-16; 18:19-26; Psalms 1:1; Luke 23: 6-12; 22:56-61; John 18:38; 20:30--31; 15:16; Acts 21: 1-4,14; 3:6; 4:8-12;  Mat 27:19;