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The Gospel In Your Language
Oh Jonah #6 "Final"
Mid Week Bible Study - Doest thou well to be angry? What are your core values?
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
August 18, 2021
Jonah the Prophet
Oh Jonah #6 "Final"
God gave us emotions to reveal the condition of our heart. Grow in the likeness of Christ, take steps to cultivated your heart. . We often fail trying to change the wrong things.
Bible Scripture:
Jonah 4:5-11;
Support Verses:
Proverb 4:23; 4:4; Eph 4:6;
From this series
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Oh Jonah #6 "Final"
Mid Week Bible Study - Doest thou well to be angry? What are your core values?
Jonah the Prophet
God gave us emotions to reveal the condition of our heart. Grow in the likeness of Christ, take steps to cultivated your heart. . We often fail trying to change the wrong things.
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
August 18, 2021
Oh Jonah #5 "The Importance of Consistency"
Wednesday Evening Service - Believers and their habits of consistency.
Jonah the Prophet
1) No longer a slave. 2) God gives the right habits Eph 4:26,29. 3) Exercise thyself rather onto Godliness 1 Tim 4:7. 4) Belivers in Christ not following Bible scripture face things getting worst Eph 4:22-24. 5 Let God's mercy impact your mercy to others.
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
August 11, 2021
Oh Jonah #4 "It will never happen?" What if you are wrong?
Wednesday Evening Service - God's message changes the heart of a person. His Holy Spirit draws.
Jonah the Prophet
Plant the seed. God will do the nurturing. We have no business deciding who will or will not accept the message(seed).
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
August 4, 2021
Oh Jonah #3 "What happens next?"
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - Forgiveness comes with a task, a job, with responsibility.
Jonah the Prophet
God will forgive, but also use you. You are expected to get busy, ( as a job assignment) , to get in service (ministry) for the Lord.
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
July 28, 2021
Oh Jonah #2 "What to do when we mess up."
Mid-Week Bible Study - Running, saying no is not acceptable and is a sin against God.
Jonah the Prophet
The magnitude of our sin is not outside the scope of God's Grace. Look to God see his Holiness: let the word of God shine in your Life.
Pastor Jerrod Trickey
Assistant Pastor
July 21, 2021
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